My owners decided to go away to Babington House, in Somerset. This place is a pretty swanky. It's a cool boutique hotel, part of SoHo House Group. Plenty of pampered pooches hang out here, so perfect for me.
Having a walk in the beautiful grounds
Running round the hotel's gardens
Sniffing around the hotel grounds
Me in our room. The hotel provided a big dog bed but I preferred my own. I only like spongy fabric beds with lots of padding, so I always take my own bed away on vacation. I do need to ensure I get my beauty sleep.
Nice restaurants (I wasn't allowed there, boooooo)
View from the breakfast table (for my owners, not me unfortunately)
I was allowed in a few public rooms, one of them being the games room. I enjoyed watching my owners (try to) play pool. I wanted to get the balls.
I look tiny here.
Nice touches in the guest rooms - fresh flowers and retro style radio
Stylish Country-Chic guest rooms
Time of stay: Sunday night in March, 2014.
Babington House