Friday, 28 March 2014

Soho house crowd in the countryside.

My owners decided to go away to Babington House, in Somerset. This place is a pretty swanky. It's a cool boutique hotel, part of SoHo House Group. Plenty of pampered pooches hang out here, so perfect for me. 

Having a walk in the beautiful grounds

Running round the hotel's gardens

Sniffing around the hotel grounds 

Me in our room. The hotel provided a big dog bed but I preferred my own. I only like spongy fabric beds with lots of padding, so I always take my own bed away on vacation.  I do need to ensure I get my beauty sleep. 

Nice restaurants (I wasn't allowed there, boooooo)

View from the breakfast table (for my owners, not me unfortunately) 

I was allowed in a few public rooms, one of them being the games room. I enjoyed watching my owners (try to) play pool. I wanted to get the balls. 

I look tiny here. 

Nice touches in the guest rooms - fresh flowers and retro style radio 

Stylish Country-Chic guest rooms 

Time of stay: Sunday night in March, 2014. 

Babington House 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Hare and the vets

After a visit to the vets (I managed to catch my claw, don't ask how, but it hurt), we went into Blackheath for an early lunch at The Hare and Billet pub. 

Feeling scared in the vets waiting room.

As soon as we walked in I spotted the dogs. Loads of them. Was great. I barked at quite a few, which annoyed my owners. I'm only small, I need to bark so the big dogs can see me. 

Look at this big dog I spotted (hard to miss really). 

We had a great table by the window. I sat in my bag and had a good view of the rest of the pub. 

Sat in my bag, surveying the action. 

Colourful picture display on wall by our table (old beer ads).

My owners liked the chic country pub feel to the Hare and Billet. I liked the other dogs, the seat by the window (even more to look at) and the yummy smelling food. 

Vegetarian Tagine. (Smelt quite nice, but the roast dinner my other owner ate smelt a lot nicer). 

See the roast dinner in the background... 

Time of visit: Sunday lunch in March 2014. 

Hare & Billet