Sunday, 27 January 2013

Removal vans?...

A beautiful sunny day in London - perfect for a long walk. Rather than getting in the car, my owners decided to take the tube (i.e. the trains that whiz around underneath the city). It can be rather smelly & cramped in those carriages, but today wasn't too bad. I just sat in my bag & gazed around at all the people.

Not that I am big headed or anything, but I could hear a few people talking about me. That does happen quite a lot, but I guess I am rather cute. Last month, whilst in a well known London department store, a woman came up to tell my owner how I had made her smile as I was "such a gorgeous little thing" :) 

Anyway, back to Saturday.... we got out at South Kensington tube station. This bit of West London is rather posh & so has some lovely streets to walk down.  It turns out my owners plan was to walk from there into Mayfair. That's nearly 2.5miles! That might not seem far to others, but lets not forget that my legs are only a few inches long.

Luckily, after a bit of nagging* my owners got the hint & we stopped for a rest down Motcomb Street, Knightsbridge. 

*I tried my usual trick of suddenly standing still, refusing to walk & giving my owner the 'puppy dog eye' look. This combination works a treat. Try it.

Motcomb Street is one of our regular hang-outs. My owners took this photo of the street last summer, during the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations (it doesn't normally have those big colourful flags). Motcomb Street is home to The Pantechnicon gastro pub. This is owned by the same folk who have The Grazing Goat

I was the only pooch in here today. It was very busy though. Quite a lot of children. As we sat in the corner though I don't think many people saw me. I was too tired to have people come over to pet me anyway. 

I had a big bowl of water. My owners had a Skinny Late & an Earl Grey tea (how very English).

As we just stopped by for a drink & for me to rest my little legs, I cannot tell you about the food, although we do come here quite frequently as my owners like their brunch (pancakes & eggs). I expect I'll be writing about another visit here in the not too distant future. 

BTW, if you are wondering why the title of this blog is 'removal vans'? its because The Pantechnicon is named after an establishment on Motcomb Street (the Grecian-like façade still stands today), which dates back to the 1830s. It was an antiques & arts storage facility for the wealthy Londoners & it used horse drawn carriages to transport products to/from the building - these distinctive removal vans became known as Pantechnicon vans 

The Pantechnicon

10 Motcomb Street
SW18 8LA

Date of visit: Saturday 26th January, 2013 

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