Now it was zipped up and looked like it could burst at the seams. This could only mean one thing, it was finally holiday time. Now that is worth getting out of bed for.
Stage one of journey: Black Cab. Very exciting. I had a good look out of the windows, watching the streets of London whizz by.
Stage two of journey: The Train. I do like the gentle rocking motion of a train, it sends me to sleep quite quickly.
Arrival in Yorkshire. Hurray! Back to the beautiful countryside and Christmas with my owner's parents. Time with my 'grand parents' is always good news for me. It means lots of playing and lots of treats.
This specific holiday I hear was called Christmas Holiday. I soon learned that actually meant Turkey Holiday (yum) and Presents Holiday (fab).
Opening presents on Christmas morning
Just opened a new toy
The present opening was pretty tiring
Watching Kings College Choir on Christmas Eve. Very interesting but I couldn't spot any dogs.
Time to snuggle in bed
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